Tag Archives: Wireless

MIT : This Machine Can Tell Your Mood Even If You Hide It

Do you remember the polygraph? I am sure you have seen it in movies. You know the machine they hook the accused to test if they are lying or not? Yes, that one! It is a not fiction, it is a real machine, and it works most times. Now. have you ever wondered how it worked? So with all the connections to skin, chest and fingertips, it detects your pulse, breathing, e.t.c. Apparently if you lie, these readings change and the polygraph knows you are lying!


Now a research team at the prestigious MIT in the USA have created another machine that can read your vitals without the need for wires. How does the machine do this? It bounces wireless radio signals off your body and reads them many times and continuously. It is claimed it can then use this information to accurately deduce your mood. It can do this because as humans, our vitals often translate to how we feel. E.g When you are aroused or scared your heartbeat increases rapidly.  You can read the technical babble here.

Much like the polygraph though, it can be easily fooled. If you are very good at keeping your body calm when scared or aroused, then the machine won’t be able to tell! But like any great innovation, we at The Computer Potato think this technology has a lot of  potential application and we wish to see more of its use in the nearest future! Think robots!




The Landline Has Got A New “Home”!

Are you in love with your landline number? Or financially, it just makes sense for you to make and receive calls on your landline? Well, that is all reasonable, but you are never at home because you spend most of your time on the road or at work! You really need that landline and you can’t do without it!!! The landline is wired at home, that is why it is aptly called a fixed line. So how do you get those valuable landline calls when you are not in the house? Luckily, there is now a solution for you. Here comes voice bridge.

If you understand the video then you know what the nifty devices does, it diverts your landline calls to your mobile devices (tablet or phone) via the internet! Which means as long as you have internet on your phone and your WiFi at home is fine, you will be able to take the calls on your mobile device!

No more fixed line, your landline calls are now free to roam with you without wires! Handy!