Tag Archives: Battery

The Full Power Of Wireless

As of June 2016 the number of audio-visual devices connected to the internet was inching toward 13 billion according to a report by IHS Inc. (NYSE: IHS). Now that figure must have come about by how many can be practically counted because they are connected. Bringing this into context, there are billions more that are not connected. More than half of all these devices are mobile, which means they run on some form of battery, and batteries need charging.

If you look around, you will most likely see at least two of such devices in sight. This brings to question how we keep these devices charged! There have been promise of such technologies around. From long lasting battery to air charging!

Another organisation, Energous, think they have cracked it one more time. Meet the the rightly named Wattup!

If Energous gets their way, cable chargers will be a thing of the past and you would never be worried about your devices running out of power!

We at thecomputerpotato can’t wait for this to be reality! It will most definitely change the world of mobile devices!


Solar Power Is Moving Up!

Scientists have always researched into alternative ways to do away with “unclean” energy for cleaner ones. Clean energy or renewable energy, being energy derived from natural sources without destruction to the environment that comes with producing energy nowadays. Think the batteries in your smart devices that poison the earth if not disposed of carefully.


The solar power panels have always been sought for an alternative way to harness energy. Why? The sun is abundant and will always be there, as long as there is life on earth. But the most efficiency we ever got from this form of power generation was 17%. This has changed now. Sol Voltaics, a Swedish start-up has seen a breakthrough that will help ensure change.


They claim to have created a film that can boost solar power efficiency to 50%. This is good news for both us, the end users, and mother nature. One thing is certain, the more we look, the more we find. Soon, we might just have a renewable energy source that will make the “poisonous” batteries we have all around us now obsolete, amongst other things. We might never need to charge our mobile devices any longer, it will charge itself by fuelling on the sun. See video below!

We say well done to the researchers of this discovery and hope for an even better result on clean energy in the future!