CompuSticks! It’s A Small World After all!

Not many decades ago, computers that were as powerful as the device you are using to read this article was so big it filled a medium sized room. As the world begins to get smaller politically and monetarily, we are seeing a massive shrink in digital devices too.

Everything electronics have been becoming more powerful and with so much more features in smaller casings. Now fully capable computers are starting to treacle out in the form no bigger than a USB stick. Yes a USB stick! We at Computer Potato call them compusticks.

Many companies and tech giants are working together and researching into more powerful computers that come in small packages.

We at The Computer Potato think this innovation is inevitable and will be very useful when they finally pick up. Imagine you are going for a business or friendly meeting and you don’t have to carry that big laptop bag anymore. All you need carry is your USB sized  PC and a monitor and keyboard when you get to your meeting.

We think computers will only get smaller and maybe one day a supercomputer today could fit into a USB stick. We sure can’t wait!

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