Real Life Iron Man?

We might be seeing an Iron Man in real life soon? Well not quite. Many companies are working on suits that will make the human body stronger and capable of doing what it won’t normally be strong enough to do! DARPA’s exoskelton program said that units enabling soldiers to “run faster, leap further and carry more will be delivered for Army testing in 2008 coincidentally the year the first Iron Man movie was released. That was 6 years ago!


Things have gone far beyond that now, with many exoskeleton systems being tested to enhance humans to do more.  Companies like Daewoo, eksobionics  and university researchers have been testing and trying out the feasibility of these devices


Conclusion; This doesn’t mean we will all be in iron suits and flying to work soon. One thing I am glad for is that physically challenged people can do more with the help of these artificial skeletal structures and depend less on helpers.

A worker wearing an exoskeleton suit at the Daewoo plant in South Korea Photo: Daewoo

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