Robot Transformers Are Becoming Reality!

If you thought the movie Transformers was mere science fiction, you might have been correct last year. It has turned out team of researchers from Harvard and MIT have developed a new kind of robot – one that is capable of folding and unfolding itself, much like origami.


“Getting a robot to assemble itself autonomously and actually perform a function has been a milestone we’ve been chasing for many years,” researcher Robert J. Wood said in a press release



Even though they don’t look like much, this is actually a great achievement and first of its kind.


What is the use for this? Well, first thing to come to mind is that they will make great toys. But in a world where space is becoming less and less, we can build machines that can fold up to smaller bits and tuck themselves away when not in use. For me, I still think it is cool to see a real life Transformer. Autobots!

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