Feeling Gloomy About What The Cloud Is?

Have you ever heard the word Cloud and you were clueless of what it is and how it works? With the amount of services out nowadays,  you must have come across the word Cloud somewhere almost every week. You see it on your mobile devices, your computers and even in Newspapers. All these mediums are used to promise you one thing; that they will keep your data secure, backed up and accessible from anywhere in the world. Brilliant, who wouldn’t want that hey?


You must have wondered at some point how this works. Well, the computer Potato is here to tell you exactly that and make it look like a pot of noodles.

Think of the cloud as a big computer with such a massive memory that it can store everything and more. This big computer’s memory can also increase or decrease at will by the way. Now imagine this big computer has the exact same type of itself and data stored in it in many locations, for arguments sake lets say 15 locations. Now each of the computers in these locations make sure all data are exactly the same across the locations. This is very helpful because lets say the worst happened and 13 of those locations where destroyed somehow and the computers  with them. Then the data is still accessible from 2 of the 15 and can be easily moved to another 13 in different locations. Are you still reading? Well you don’t need to bother yourself on how this is achieved but if you do signup to one of these services, your data will be, in this case, in 15 locations (you wouldn’t know from your end though). This is what keeps your data secure and accessible from anywhere in the world.

Why use the word cloud? Well I am not a weather expert, but I notice these things are everywhere in the world. Hence why someone clever chose to use this word to represent something they hoped will be everywhere and steadily ready for use.


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